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Andrew T. “Chip” Richardson, III, Esq.

Board Chair

Chip previously held senior leadership roles with the DC Government. He served initially as Deputy, and then as General Counsel led a very proactive Office of the General Counsel for the Executive Office of the Mayor during the Honorable Adrian Fenty’s administration. He then served as Interim Director of the District of Columbia Office of Risk Management.


Chip served a three-year term as a member of the Board of Directors of The Not For Profit Hospital Corporation, formerly known as Greater Southeast Community Hospital and United Medical Center. He previously served on the Board of Directors for Stargate, a nonprofit foundation in Richmond, Virginia that supported arts programming in public schools. He has been recognized by the District of Columbia Bar for his contributions to the practice of estates, trusts and probate law in the District, and he received a Meritorious Public Service Award from the Government of the District of Columbia for service to its residents.Chip lives in Ward 4 with his family. 

Andrew T. “Chip” Richardson, III, Esq.
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